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a Quick history

Experts have long speculated that the Chow Chow is one of the oldest dog breeds, and genetic testing has proven that to be true. The ancient breed is believed to have originated in Mongolia and Northern China, slowly moving south with the nomadic tribes of Mongolia.

One Chinese emperor was said to have kept 2,500 pairs of Chows as hunting dogs. In addition to hunting, the dogs were used to guard their owners' possessions. On the down side, their fur was used to trim coats and their flesh was considered a delicacy.

In China, the breed went by several names: black-tongue dog (hei shi-tou), wolf dog (lang gou), bear dog (xiang gou), and Canton dog (Guangdong gou). 


Some compare the Chow Chow's disposition to that of a cat: aloof, reserved, independent, dignified, intelligent, and stubborn.

Despite his scowl, a good Chow should never be aggressive or shy. Chows tend to mind their own business and don't usually start trouble. They'll play with their people, but strangers are of no interest to them unless they're approaching the Chow's home without invitation from his owner — in which case he'll challenge the trespasser. He will, however, let strangers touch him if introduced by one of his owners.


Chow chows can come in 5 colours, however can have different variations of shading.


The 5 colours are Black, Red, Cream and 2 dilute colours, Blue and Fawn. Some fawns and Reds may have a silver or dark muzzle and darker scowl and the shades of the base colour for creams can range from almost white to a biscuit yellow. Reds can vary anywhere from a wheaten to a dark mahogany.

For more information and descriptions of the chow Chow breed, please visit the ANKC Chow Chow breed standard.



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